John Harrison

A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....

The blog of John Harrison

Friday, August 31, 2001

Thursday morning's thoughts... got to my notebook, but not as far as the blog...

Feeling rather elated this morning... (if EVER so hung over!)
Kicked off in style, I don't believe I've ever taken a lady out for dinner before and invested �100 on a meal for two - especially not on a first date!
That blows Logan Brown out of the water!

I hope she doesn't think I'm a flashy bastard!

Thank God she didn't get to see the bill!
(She did off to help pay though - which is nice - perfect lady she was.)

(Umm, never did see her again though did I?!)

posted by John 14:58

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

I saw this cool but very weird movie on the weekend...

Not quite as weird as that 7 1/2 hour Hungarian black humour movie with subtitles in black and white with all the mud and rain and gloom that I watched in Auckland in 1994, whose title I managed to track down again after all these years (it's Sátántangó)*, but still...

It's got that kind of Truman Showesque or Edward Scissorhandsesque look to the buldings... and you are just aching because you KNOW that the film is going to have a terribly tragic ending but you don't know quite which one of the possible scenarios you're fearing is going to pan out...

Sátántangó (If you ever get the chance then GO and see it, but I warn you, there were only very few of those us that started watching that actually saw it out.)

posted by John 12:00

This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)

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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist

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